Hair Transplant

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Hair Transplant

Most advanced method of Hair Transplantation i. e Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a procedure which involves the removal of grafts from one area of the scalp preferably the back and sides of the scalp and directly implant in the area of scalp with lesser hair. It is a non invasive and painless procedure and does not cause any scarring.

Hair Transplant Clinic in Mumbai


Hair graft in simple language means bunch of hair follicles together. They are extracted from the back area of the scalp (donor area) to implant over the area which needs to be treated. Each hair graft may contain several hair follicles. These hair follicles together are also called as Follicular Unit. These units are extremely important in hair transplant procedures as the number and viability of the available hair grafts will determine the success of hair transplant procedure. The number of hair follicles in a single hair graft is a decisive factor for placement in the hair transplant procedure to give more fuller and natural look.

Beard and Moustache Hair transplant

Beard and Moustache transplant is amongst the most common hair transplant procedures. It focuses on enhancing an existing beard/moustache or constructing a new beard/moustache by transplanting scalp hair to the affected area. Understanding of the patient’s facial dimension is extremely important to achieve perfect symmetry during the procedure.

Eyebrow Transplant

An eyebrow transplant is a permanent cosmetic procedure to make your eyebrows appear fuller or to replace lost hair. Hair grafts from the scalp may be used for this procedure.


The results after Hair Transplant procedure can be seen within 5-6 months. But it takes about 12-18 months to get the result with Full Density and Coverage. The results may vary from one individual to another.

We provide Natural Hairline with Maximum Coverage and Density, Highest Patient Comfort with Minimal Pain.